20 Most Useless College Degrees
It's important to note that the usefulness of a degree can vary depending on the field and the job market. Some degrees, like engineering or nursing, are considered highly valuable due to the high demand for those types of jobs. On the other hand, some degrees, like those in the liberal arts or humanities, may be viewed as less useful because there are fewer job opportunities available in those fields. However, it's important to remember that a degree is not the only factor that employers consider when hiring. Skills, experience, and personal attributes like determination, passion, and motivation can also play a significant role in getting hired. It's also worth considering if you're willing to put in the extra work and effort to make yourself more marketable. That might mean getting additional certifications, taking on internships or apprenticeships, or working on side projects that showcase your skills. Ultimately, it's important to carefully weigh the pros and cons of each major and to consider your own unique interests, strengths, and career goals. It's also important to conduct research on the job market and the types of positions available in the field you're considering. This way you can make an informed decision that will set you up for success after graduation.
1. Advertising
As an advertising major, you will learn about the various methods and strategies used to promote products and services through different media outlets. This includes studying the principles of advertising such as color and design, as well as the impact of different mediums like social media, television, and billboards. While this knowledge can be beneficial in finding a job at an advertising agency or company, it is important to note that the job market for advertising majors can be highly competitive. To increase your chances of success, it may be beneficial to specialize in a specific area of advertising such as digital marketing, e-commerce, or sports marketing. This will give you a more focused skill set that is in high demand by employers. Additionally, it is important to note that those who do not succeed in the advertising field may have limited options for alternative career paths.
2. Anthropology And Archeology
A degree in anthropology and archeology may seem attractive to those who are interested in history, travel, and outdoor activities. However, it's important to note that unless you're willing to invest time and money into obtaining a Ph.D. and potentially spending several years as an underpaid intern or research assistant, this career path may not be the best option for you. Anthropology focuses on the study of humanity and cultures, while archeology is the study of human history through the excavation of artifacts and structures. While some graduates with a degree in anthropology and archeology may have the opportunity to work on historical excavation sites or in museums, these job opportunities are relatively scarce. Even with a prestigious Ph.D. from a top institution, it's still unlikely that you'll land one of these coveted positions. For those who are unable to find success in this field, it may be challenging to find a job in a related field due to the specialized nature of the anthropology and archeology degree.
3. Art history
Students who study art history are often drawn to the field because of their love for art and design. They typically take classes in art composition and study art history from various time periods, learning about famous artists such as Vincent van Gogh and Claude Monet. While an art history degree is a great way to gain a comprehensive understanding of art throughout history, it can be challenging to find a career that utilizes this knowledge. Graduates may find employment at art museums or as art appraisers, but these positions are highly competitive and often require a significant amount of experience. Additionally, many employers in other fields may not see an art history degree as being directly applicable to their job and may not consider graduates as viable candidates. Those who are unable to break into the field of art may find it difficult to find a job elsewhere, as the specialized nature of an art history degree may limit their options.
4. Communications
A degree in communications studies the science behind the way people communicate with one another. Students learn how to make communication more effective and efficient by studying various communication methods. They may take classes on oral and visual rhetoric, as well as courses that teach them how to effectively promote their message. While a degree in communications may seem versatile, it can make it harder to find a job after college. Communications majors often pursue careers in journalism, marketing, and business administration, but these fields typically have their own specific degrees that may be more advantageous in terms of job opportunities. Additionally, many jobs that communications majors may apply for after graduation require specialized knowledge or skills, making it harder to stand out with a broad communications degree. This can make it harder for graduates with a communications degree to find a job in the field they want to pursue.
5. Computer Science
A degree in computer science may seem like a wise choice for a successful career after graduation, but like many other degrees, it can be challenging to use in the job market. This is because a general computer science degree is often quite broad, and many students enter the field with the goal of pursuing specific careers in coding, information technology, or cybersecurity. However, there are specific programs and degrees that may be more advantageous for these career paths, and a general computer science degree may not be as attractive to potential employers.
After graduation, computer science majors may face difficulties in finding a job that matches their degree. They may need to seek further education or specialize in a specific area like coding or cybersecurity to increase their chances of finding a job in their desired field. Without that, they may find themselves struggling to find a job with their current education and experience. It's essential to consider these factors when thinking about pursuing a degree in computer science, as it may require additional investments of time, money, and energy to be successful in the job market.
6. Creative Writing
Creative writing is a field that requires a specific set of skills, such as the ability to craft compelling stories and create evocative poetry. Students in a creative writing major learn how to use descriptive language, develop their writing style, and learn about the professional writing process. However, a degree in creative writing is a highly specialized and narrow field, which can make it difficult to find a well-paying job after graduation. Unless a creative writer publishes a successful novel or children's book, they may struggle to make a living wage. Creative writing majors typically do not learn the skills needed for journalism or technical writing, which are necessary for jobs in news companies or other organizations that require written content. This can limit the job opportunities available to them after graduation. If you're interested in creative writing and hope to publish a book someday, it may be more advantageous to pursue a major in a field like journalistic writing or English and take creative writing classes as electives. This will give you a broader set of skills and make you more employable after graduation, while also giving you the opportunity to pursue your passion for creative writing on the side.
7. Criminal Justice
Many students are drawn to the criminal justice field after watching popular TV shows and movies such as NCIS and Criminal Minds, which often depict detective and special agent roles as exciting and glamorous. However, the reality is that these jobs are not only dangerous but also highly competitive and difficult to obtain. Students who major in criminal justice may find that job opportunities are scarce after graduation, and they may have to settle for desk jobs that do not align with their interests or career goals. Some may go on to receive additional education or training in order to pursue a career as a police officer, lawyer, or foster care worker. It's important for students who are interested in a career in criminal justice to carefully evaluate what type of job they are interested in before deciding to pursue this field. It's essential to be aware of the reality of job opportunities and the level of competition and danger associated with the field. It's also important to consider if the career goals align with your passion and personality.
8. Culinary arts
Culinary arts programs teach students how to cook and present food in an appealing way, but they do not provide a wide range of skills that are transferable to other careers. A degree in culinary arts may be beneficial for those who want to pursue a career as a cook or chef, but it may not be as useful for those who want to explore other career options. Culinary students receive limited training in diverse areas such as business or health-related information. They learn how to chop vegetables, mix spices, and boil potatoes, but they don't learn skills that can be applied to other jobs. This makes it difficult for many graduates to find employment after graduation. If you're genuinely interested in pursuing a career as a chef, it may be more advantageous to attend a culinary school or trade school to obtain your education, rather than pursuing a degree at a college or university. This will provide you with more specific training in your field, while also saving you time and money.
9. Education
A degree in education may seem like a valuable choice for those interested in teaching children, but it can be a challenging field to navigate. Education majors must declare a specialty, such as early childhood education, special education, or secondary education, and in some cases, they may need to obtain a master's degree in order to practice in their field. Students who choose to stay with a general education degree may find that their degree is not as useful as they had hoped. For example, preschools may not want to hire them because they are not certified in early childhood education, and special education programs may not want to hire them because they don't have the necessary certifications or endorsements. If you're considering becoming an education major, it's important to think carefully about what type of education you want to pursue, and to consider the additional training and certifications that may be required in order to practice in your field. Additionally, education majors typically have to complete student teaching placements before they can graduate. This is an important step to get a job after graduation.
10. Entrepreneurship
A degree in entrepreneurship may seem like a good choice for those who aspire to start their own business one day. However, the degree by itself is not sufficient to ensure success as an entrepreneur. This is because students can learn all the theory they want, but without hands-on business experience, their knowledge may not be as valuable in the real world. To be successful in starting a business, it's essential to have a deep understanding of business practices, which can only be gained through years of experience. Many successful entrepreneurs have a degree in business or related field and have spent years gaining practical knowledge before starting their own company. Some may decide to return to school later to pursue a degree in entrepreneurship, while others may take just a few classes. A degree in entrepreneurship alone, however, may leave graduates questioning where to go next. They may be less employable than those with a more traditional business degree and lack the education and experience necessary to get a job. Therefore, those interested in entrepreneurship should prioritize gaining real-world experience before pursuing a degree in this field.
11. Ethnic and civilization studies
Ethnic and civilization studies is a field that is both culturally relevant and important for the progress of our country. However, a degree in this field alone may not provide the career opportunities that students are hoping for. Many graduates with a degree in ethnic and civilization studies may look for jobs in education, social work, or counseling, but these fields typically require additional education or specialized degrees. While studying ethnicity and civilization is important, students who are interested in this field should consider double majoring or using it as a minor to increase their chances of finding a fulfilling job after graduation. This will provide them with a broader set of skills and make them more employable in different fields. This will allow them to use their knowledge and skills in a more practical and versatile way. It is important to consider the job market and the specific requirements of the jobs you are interested in before deciding to pursue a degree in ethnic and civilization studies.
12. Fashion design
A person who majors in fashion design may have aspirations of starting their own clothing brand, working as a designer for a major company, or becoming a fashion marketer. However, it's important to consider the competitiveness and difficulty of the job market in this field. It can be challenging for graduates to secure a job as a fashion designer with a major brand immediately after graduation, and it is even more challenging to establish their own brand without any prior experience. Successful fashion designers often require years of experience, meaningful connections within the industry, and the ability to build their brand.
If you're truly interested in the field of fashion design, it's essential to be prepared for potential unemployment and disappointment. Many students who obtain a degree in fashion design may find it difficult to find a job in the field, and may have to look for employment in a different field. The education and skills acquired may not be considered relevant by many employers. It's important to have a realistic understanding of the job market and the level of competition before deciding to pursue a degree in fashion design.
13. Film, video, and photographic arts
A degree in film, video, or photographic arts may sound appealing for those with a passion for film production and media. However, it can be a challenging field to navigate and may not provide the career opportunities that students are hoping for. Students who study film, video, or photographic arts may learn how to use their artistic skills to start small businesses in photography or videography. While this is a legitimate job option, it is also a highly competitive field, where talent and creativity are more important than a formal education. Many successful photographers and videographers have succeeded without a degree and have learned their skills through self-study and practice. Even if students learn something in one or two classes that help them improve their work, getting a degree in this field may not be the most efficient use of time and money. Before pursuing a degree in film, video, or photographic arts, it is important to consider the job market and the specific skills required to succeed in the field.
14. Languages
Studying languages is a great way to learn about other cultures and prepare for travel to other countries. However, pursuing a degree in languages may not provide the career opportunities that students are hoping for. Those who invest years of their education into perfecting a language may feel accomplished, but upon graduation, may find themselves questioning what to do next. Those who graduate with a language degree may become translators or work at a foreign embassy or in international relations. However, these jobs are relatively rare and the competition for them can be fierce. The pay and job outlook for these positions may not be as favorable as other fields. Additionally, those who don't land one of these jobs may have difficulty finding an employer that will hire them based on their language skills alone. It's important to consider the job market and the relevance of the language you are studying before pursuing a degree in languages. Some colleges offer programs for classical languages such as Greek and Latin, while others focus on more widely spoken languages like Spanish and Chinese. If you're determined to make a career in the language field, consider choosing a relevant language and obtaining a second major to make yourself more marketable upon graduation.
15. Music
A music major may spend time singing in the choir, playing in the band, or participating in extracurricular activities such as jazz or marching bands. They also spend a significant amount of time in class studying music history and composition. Music majors may even focus on a specific area, like composition or conducting. However, the field of music is relatively small, and music majors may have difficulty finding work after graduation. While some may land prestigious jobs as conductors, professional musicians, or community band directors, these opportunities are relatively rare. Most music majors may end up teaching music lessons or leading worship at a church. While these jobs can provide a source of income, they typically pay low wages and lack benefits or retirement plans. Many music majors may find themselves looking for a different career later on. Due to the specific and limited nature of their education, they may find it challenging to find a job that aligns with their interests and skills. It's important to have realistic expectations about job opportunities in the music field before pursuing a degree in music.
16. Philosophy
Philosophy majors study the nature of knowledge and the fundamental questions of existence. It can be a challenging and thought-provoking field, as students learn about the history of thought and engage in critical thinking and logical reasoning. Famous philosophers like Plato and Aristotle have had a significant impact on the world, but a career in philosophy can be difficult to come by. In today's job market, many opportunities are related to science and technology, rather than the humanities. Philosophy majors may be able to secure jobs as philosophy professors, but this typically requires years of education and experience. Some may choose to continue their education in a different field such as law or writing, to increase their employability. However, if you are looking for a stable and well-paying job, philosophy may not be the best choice. It's important to consider job market and the specific skills required to succeed in the field before pursuing a degree in philosophy.
17. Psychology
Psychology is the study of the mind and its resulting behavior. It can be a fascinating field, but a psychology degree can be challenging to use after graduation. Many psychologists pursue higher education in their field, such as a master's or doctorate degree, to practice as clinical psychologists. However, those who only hold a bachelor's degree in psychology may struggle to find a job that aligns with their education and skills. Some may be able to secure jobs in counseling, but these opportunities are relatively limited. It's important to consider your long-term career goals and the specific skills required to succeed in the field before pursuing a degree in psychology. If you're interested in a specific area within psychology, such as research or clinical practice, you may be better suited to pursue a different degree that better aligns with your interests and career aspirations.

18. Studio arts and fine art
A degree in studio and fine arts covers a broad range of areas, including sculpting, painting, drawing, photography, digital media, and graphic design. It is a popular field for those who have an interest in the fine arts and want to pursue a career in the field. However, obtaining a degree in studio and fine arts can be a challenging path for several reasons. First, students who are not naturally talented in their chosen area of study may not see the results they desire despite investing time and money in their education. Second, those who are exceptionally talented in a specific area may not need a degree to pursue a career in that field. Many talented artists have been able to make successful careers without obtaining a degree. Third, if you are interested in pursuing a career in one of the fine arts, it may be more beneficial to choose a more specific degree focus. For example, if you want to become a graphic designer, you should consider a major in graphic design rather than a broader degree in studio and fine arts. It is important to evaluate your own talents and interests before pursuing a degree in studio and fine arts, considering the potential challenges and limited job opportunities in the field.
19. Theater Arts
A degree in theater arts can be a great choice for those passionate about acting, playwriting, and theater production. However, it's important to be aware that this field is highly competitive and jobs in the industry can be scarce. Graduates with a theater arts degree may find themselves doing internships and low-paying jobs before finding success in the field. Additionally, those interested in pursuing a career in theater arts should be prepared to continue their education at a specialized university or center to increase their chances of success. It is important to note that those who are not highly talented in the field may struggle to find a job in the theater industry, and may be better off pursuing a different degree that aligns with their interests and career goals.
20. Travel and tourism
A degree in travel and tourism may seem exciting and glamorous, as it allows students to learn about the best places to travel and how to improve the tourist experience. However, the reality of job prospects after graduation is not as appealing. Graduates with a travel and tourism degree often have limited job options and may find themselves working in mundane office jobs or as travel agents. These jobs tend to be low-paying with inconsistent hours and may not offer good working conditions. Additionally, for those who wish to pursue a career outside of the travel and tourism field, their degree may not be considered relevant by potential employers. If you are interested in this field, it may be better to consider a more specific and practical degree such as business or marketing, and gain experience in the field through internships or other opportunities.